5 Things About Me

  • One of my biggest passions in life is to travel and explore unchartered grounds; my goal is to travel to all 7 continents either before I get married or turn 30, whichever comes first. I only have Antarctica left to set foot on and 3 years to go.
  • I have huge ambitions and am always brimming with entrepreneurial ideas. I just need to take the leap, pick one viable idea and run with it. If you have the moolah ($$), a deep faith in my business acumen, and are willing to invest in one of my many “brilliant” ideas, please email me.
  • I have an uncanny proclivity for picking up “guy hobbies” that do not appeal to the vast majority of my female accolades. To illustrate, I golf, drink (Single Malt) Scotch, play squash, snowboard, lift weights, play poker, and sparred competitively throughout college (I am a certified 2nd Dan Black Belt in TKD). I used to be an (amateur) drummer in a pick-up college dorm band and can’t live without sports (both watching & playing). Despite my manly interests, I also do a lot of girly stuff, and am pretty feminine for the most part. I love shopping, getting a good pedicure, beading (making jewelry), cooking, dressing up for a fancy night out, and being pampered like a princess. I paint (see: my artwork) I cry at movies. I am also a hopeless romantic.
  • I have an insatiable appetite for unique culinary experiences and love French cooking (haute cuisine). I am attending a 40-hour cooking course at the French Culinary Institute in SoHo that starts on June 12th in September 2010. If you ever need a trusty restaurant recommendation, email me and I’ll get back to you within a couple of hours.
  • I’m at a point in my life where I am constantly questioning my “purpose” or “direction” in life as I dig deeper into my passions, reflect on my achievements thus far, and charter the path for that ideal life that I want. As I continue to explore, I find myself redefining (and refining) my principles and what I stand for as an individual. It has not been an easy process – I call this my “quarter-life crisis.”

5 Things About This Blog

  • This blog is a chronicle of all things that is of interest to me. There are 3 different themes to my blog:
    • Deliciously Haute is my primary blog and it is dedicated to my immense interest in the culinary world; here, I share my take on dining establishments in NYC, my experiments in cooking and the haute deals that I find
    • Le Haute Life is about the experiences that color the canvas of my life either through my occasional travels or insanely hectic (but rich) life in Manhattan
    • Haute Ventures is a collection of excerpts or articles I come across in my entrepreneurial pursuits that is either educational or inspirational in nature
  • I believe that people will only achieve their full potential and contribute most effectively to society when they do something that they’re passionate about for a living. I am on a quest to discover what ignites the fire in me and to make sure that I set the foot in the right direction. This blog keeps me honest in my quest.
  • My posts are reflective of what I see, feel and think at a very specific point in my life and may not hold true as time passes. Opinions can change. Needs and wants can change. I can change.
  • Due to uncertainties in life and a very hectic lifestyle in NYC, I cannot promise to deliver regular updates. Some themes will be blogged on more frequently that others. Please check back in 2 weeks if you haven’t seen any updates. My goal is to write at least once a forthnight on every theme.
  • This blog will evolve and grow along with the evolving chapters in my life. I welcome any constructive feedback, comments, suggestions on how to improve my blogs and of course fun/fan mail so please feel free to post on the comment box or reach me directly via the Email Me tab.

Thank you for visiting my site and for being part of my journey. Enjoy the haute posts!!